Tuesday, August 9, 2011

T-shirt Dress at the Bradley's!

Getting together in July for
The Heart & Keeper of the Home "Silver Suitcase Society"
was a delightful gathering at Lyn and Amber's home!

Sweet and precious Mom's and daughters.

Katy and Kari

Kayla, Amber, Chelsea, and Melony

Linda, Lyn, and T.J. (What's that in Lyn's hand?)

Christy, Teresa, Myself and Chrissy

Chrissy and Ruth

Katy and Amber with my sister Harriet and my twin sister Lorna.
It was a delight to have them join us!

Yummmm. Strawberry Shortcake!

T.J. and Chelsea

Ruth and Katie

Melony, Kari, Amber, Katy, Chelsea, and Katie.
Katy's in her finished dress, more pic's to come of finished dresses!

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1 comment:

John and Janelle said...

love the t-shirt dress! :) looks like a project even i could handle :) heh heh!