Friday, August 12, 2011

Parting Song of Hope & Comfort

The Heart & Keeper Group visited Montana and were the guests of the Burnt Fork Ranch two years ago this coming fall. Not far from our bunkhouse was this sign that we followed to a most charming chapel in the woods. A place that would become our favorite as we sought the Lord and spent much quiet time there. It became such a place of refuge and comfort as He always desires to meet with us whenever we seek Him.

I did say charming!

A peaceful place we all eagerly journeyed to,
as we could sit at His feet and drink in His promises.

Above the foyer was a wonderful church bell,
we did not ring it until our last visit to the chapel the day we flew home.

Each one of us pulled on the rope that hung down from the bell tower as we exited,
letting its ring be our parting song.

The Lord had surely filled our cups to overflowing.
Notice the lettering on the bottom of our shoes -
as this trip was affectionately dubbed!

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