Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring Shower or Summer Storm

"In the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge,
until the storms of destruction pass by."
Psalm 57:1

I like to do Show & Tell, so at breakfast yesterday I had everyone bring an umbrella to go along with my devotion!
In the picture you can see some of them hanging and some of them at our feet!

Some notes from my devotion:

"Hearing Him in a Spring Shower or a Summer Storm"

"George Adam Smith a wonderful preacher and author, was on a mountain-climbing tour of the Alps. Exhilarated by the thought of the view before him and the triumph of having got to the summit ran the last few yards to the top of the peak. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came up which threatened to blow him over the edge. From several feet away, his guide called to him, "Mr. Smith! On your knees, sir! The only way you're safe up here is on your knees!" When storm winds blow, we often try to stand on our own two feet-in our own strength. We need to fall to our knees because that is where we find our stability!

We have many examples in the pages of God's Word of people in STORMS and how they reacted, let's look at some of them:

Daniel - prayed
Noah - Obeyed & Didn't Get Distracted
Jonah - Ran
(And what about Jonah, when God asked him to go to the people of Nineveh,
he turned and went in the opposite direction, creating his very own STORM! )
Joseph - Waited & Trusted
Nathan - In a STORM of wrong choices by David, was directed by God
to go to David and speak some very difficult words of truth!
Samuel - Learned to Listen

As you go into this summer may you be like Samuel, and say, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears." If we are going to be women of God, we too must learn how to recognize God's efforts to speak to us. However, we can't wait until the maelstorm strikes to do so. It's when we lie restfully in the quiet moments that we should turn our attention to God and say,
"Speak, Lord, for your servant hears."

I want to encourage you to seek Him in your quiet time, seek Him on your knees, seek Him in the storms and in the showers!

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1 comment:

jerseyflygirl said...

Love these words of encouragement, Lin! The story of "falling to your knees" to save yourself from the strong winds is timeless!! Hugs from Jersey!! :o)