Saturday, May 28, 2011

A New Chapter - "Silver Suitcase Society"

The Heart & Keeper of The Home
a new chapter...

"Silver Suitcase Society"

"It is God to whom and with whom we travel,
and while He is the end of the journey,
He is also at every stopping place."
Elisabeth Elliott

Today Katy and I hosted Heart & Keeper - "Silver Suitcase Society" Breakfast in our home. Last fall I realized that our 12 girls were going in many new directions with jobs, ministries and college not to mention our schedules as wives and moms!! So I set up to get together once a month for breakfast if we were to connect at all.

Now what to name it...with our many changes and new seasons, I decided to call it "Silver Suitcase Society" to represent our upcoming travels and the journeys ahead. Now to represent our new little subtitle, something I could put in the middle of the table each time we met, something that would hide a treasure or two in the way of a give-away (like a new charm shaped like a suitcase!) I had a flashy, sparkly, silver suitcase in mind. The hunt was on but no matter where I looked I came up empty handed!

I reluctantly walked into one more store, and there I saw a simple white jewelry box that had a lot of promise, home it came with me. I spray painted it a sparkly silver and attached some charms and it was perfect.

Katy and I prepared and planned and the food was tasty as ever but as I looked around I knew the real meal was drinking in the sweet fellowship of friendship!

We are all in a new season of change, perhaps you are too. Join us as we navigate the journeys ahead.

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