Wednesday, December 21, 2016

His Gifts to Us

Whenever you see someone carrying wrapped gifts or see them stacked high in OR on top of a car remember why we give gifts.  It's to show His love to others as He did when He sent His Son to be born in a manger - the greatest gift of all.  Although the Christmas season certainly is not all about gifts they do play a part in our celebrations.

As you finish your Christmas shopping consider some suggestions on one of my favorite blogs - Girlfriends In God.  In their Dec. 20-21 posting they listed some great ideas for some meaningful gifts: A Homemade Gift, A Possession Gift, A Gift of Time, A Gift of Prayer, A Gift of Encouragement, A Gift of Care, A Secret Gift, and A Gift of Teaching!  What's some of your favorite gifts to give?

Merry Christmas!

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Unknown said...

I love just getting together for a leisurely lunch or dinner with a girlfriend with no time limits! Kind of a gift to both of us :-)

Linda Thomson said...

I love that idea Judy!