Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Garden For All Seasons

~ In honor of Wayne ~

Dear Janie:
Praying this new garden is a place of healing
for you and your family
in this season and in the seasons to come,
as you grow your roots deep into
 His comfort and love. 

"...being rooted and grounded in love..."
Ephesians 3:17

"It seems that some people make life a garden,  
they warm and inspire, cultivate and nurture.
They water the dry rows in our lives, 
they sprout hope in barren places.
I call this person YOU."
by Alda Ellis

Delightful Garden Buffet

Chelsea's Lavender Muffins

Beverage Buffet supported by 
 T.J.'s cute antique wooden ironing board!
And don't you love Ruth's 
cups in the old suitcase?

Janie's brother Bob Mull praying over 
and dedicating the garden.

Some of the wonderful godly men 
who helped make this garden a reality. 
(Including Dave Seabert 
who missed being in our picture.)

They work great together, they clean up really well, 
what can I say??

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." 
Ecc. 3:11

"Now to Him 
who is able to do
 immeasurably more than
 all we ask or imagine..."
Ephesian 3:20

Janie told me this verse in Joshua 
had been their anchor verse 
through this journey, 
I think we can benefit from it's instruction
 as it continues to anchor us all.

"Be strong and courageous; 
do not be afraid, 
nor dismayed, 
for the Lord your God is with 
you wherever you go." 
Joshua 1:9

Tools of My Friendship Garden

The bear a load when it is too much for us to carry alone.
The break up the soil, encouraging the roots of friendship to grow deeper,
 It separates  the weeds so they can be tossed and friendship's flower nurtured.
A make tidy and neat our friendship gardens 
and help gather up what needs to be carried away.
A Watering replenish and nurture as it spills out on friendship's blessings.
A Flower for My Friend
by Alda Ellis

"And I pray that you...
may be filled to the 
measure of all the fullness of God."
 Ephesians 3:19

T.J., Linda, LeAnn, Christy

T.J., Chelsea, Jeannie

"I pray that out of His glorious riches 
He may strengthen you with power 
through His Spirit in your inner being..." 
Eph 3:16

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