Saturday, January 18, 2014

In Loving Memory of Jayne Johnson

In honor of T.J.'s Mom

"...In Your presence is fullness of joy..."
Psalm 16:11

Pastor Ron Case spoke
of the hope and comfort we have in Jesus
when we believe, trust in, cling to, and rely upon Him.
He quoted Jim Elliot, a missionary -
 "I desire not a long life but a full one."
Jayne lived a full life,
for which we are thankful.

My son Daniel played some of the families favorite hymns, 
It was so touching to close the service with everyone singing 
"How Great Thou Art".

At Riverside National Cemetery
where we were summoned to attention
by the beautiful notes of a bagpipe player.
With family seated and friends gathered
Pastor Ron continued his words of comfort
by reminding us what Psalm 37:7 says.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him..."
Jayne's waiting was over
 and Christ's promise realized
 of a place He had prepared for her.
He assured us that if Jayne could speak to us today
 she would tell us eternity is REAL!

As a daughter stood to honor her Mother
T.J.'s sweet voice stilled the warm afternoon air
sharing from one of Jayne's favorite devotion books.
Dogeared and well read she repeated the words
on our handout that had ministered to Jayne so many times.

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul."
Psalm 23:1-3

The Heart & Keeper of The Home
gave T.J. and Chelsea a 
"Welcome Home" rose bush.
A beautiful yellow rose that in "flower language" mean friendship. 
 Jayne has most certainly been Welcomed Home!

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