Friday, January 10, 2014

"Monthly 10"

As we continue to celebrate our 10th year together
I have some exciting things planned and some surprises up ahead 
and today I want to introduce you to my 

"Monthly 10"

On the 10th of each month I am going to highlight one of you from our group!

This month it is our 


Surrounded by family and friends cheering her on
Chelsea completed college early in December.
Here is how Chelsea summed up college:

 "Three and a half years of growing, learning, seeking, 
loving, stretching, dreaming, 
and praying that I wouldn't trade for anything. "

Chelsea and Luke got engaged!!

When I asked her about the new season ahead she shared:

 "I know that this year is going to fly by 
but I am looking forward to enjoying 
each and every day while excitedly 
and anxiously awaiting the day that I become Mrs. Luke Astfalk."

Chelsea would also like to share a scripture verse 
that continues to be a staple in her foundation with the Lord:

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."
 Psalm 37:4

You'll all remember last January I had you select ONE WORD as an anchor
 instead a long list of resolutions that are soon forgotten. 

Chelsea's new word for this year is:


Please let me know what your new WORD for this year is.

Thanking the Lord for our wonderful Seabert family!

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