Saturday, July 20, 2013

Heart & Keeper of the Home

Beach Day

Johnson's Beach House
July 27, 2013
9am - ?

Yes, it's our annual day at the beach together,
A time to get caught up, relax, have fun and fellowship!! 
Please invite your husbands to join us from 3 o'clock on
(carpooling is an option)

Bring your own snacks and drinks for the day,
 then you can grab dinner near the beach house, 
there is a new Chipotle a block away, 
pizza of course and some other choices.

(the earlier the better for parking,
 and bring quarters for the meters)

Please RSVP to my email.

Friday, July 12, 2013

the best stories never end...

est. June 2004

"Through wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches."
Proverbs 24:3-4

 Click here for music :)

This summer Heart & Keeper of the Home is starting its
year together!
With that in mind I have some special things in store
 for the year ahead 
and a grand celebration planned for next summer!!

To start things off I have this GREAT GIVE AWAY - 


Our very own Trudy Toering donated this Chevron Purse for our drawing.
Accented with polka dots this is the perfect summer bag!

The inside has pockets, a loop for your sunglasses and velcro to close it.
The taupe color complements everything.

To be entered in the drawing for the Chevron Bag
 email me a picture of you with the number "10"
somewhere, somehow, someway in the picture!
I am excited to see everyone's creativity!!!
When I get them I will post them here!!!

Below is our first "10" picture taken at Katie B. Graduation Party!!

10 years together!

Ohhhhh, already the pictures are rolling in, 
 as you can see we are being our very resourceful selves!

We were at Mexican Kitchen.  

Ever the creative one-
However you might want to ask Christy what happened to the chips in this basket!!

I told Chrissy not to play with her food, but there is only so much I can do!!!

This picture says it all!!!!


Janie joining in the fun!!!!

Lynn and Trudy at Hobby Lobby,
I wonder if they bought those or just posed with them???
I'm never sure where I can take them...

Chevron is everywhere, I love it!!

A Look Ahead:
  H & K Beach Day 
Johnson's Beach House
 Saturday, June 27.
   More details to come.              

Only When the Brook Was Dry

"It came to pass after awhile, that the brook dried up,
because there had been no rain in the land."
I Kings 17:7


"Elijah watched the dwindling brook...
refusing to allow his circumstances to come between himself and God. 
 Unbelief sees God through circumstances; 
but faith puts God between itself and circumstances, 
and looks at them through Him. 
Most of us would have gotten anxious and worn with planning
 long before that brook dried up.  
We would have ceased our songs as soon as the streamlet
caroled less musically over its rocky bed.  
And probably, long ere the brook was dry, 
we would have devised some plan, and asking God's blessing on it,
would have started off elsewhere."
(Streams in The Desert)

Only when the brook was dry did the Lord come to Elijah and tell Him what to do next...
Do things seem pretty dry right now?
Are your finances dwindling?
Do you have some unanswered questions?
Are you waiting for a change, a check, a call?
A new path, a different lane, a less rocky road?
His touch, His help, His direction?
He knows exactly where you are, what you need, when you need it...

May the song of His love
carol in your heart today.

Remember His rock solid promises:

"The Lord will...satisfy your soul in drought." Isaiah 58:11
"The Lord will...make her desert like the garden of the Lord."Isaiah 51: 3
"...I will even make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19