Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Watch For His Leading

Waiting is
much more
difficult than walking.
Waiting requires patience,
and patience is a rare virtue...
But God has a purpose in all His "holdups".

Watch for His leading!

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." Psalm 37:23

from Streams in The Desert
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Set The World On Fire

"We have shared together
the blessings of God."
Philippians 1:7

This is one of my favorite pictures of our girls,
taken at Heritage House in Riverside.
What a day it was getting us all together. Some of the aprons we're ones we'd sewn in our group, a few were borrowed or part of our collections, others were treasures passed down from one generation to the next.
All have a story to tell for sure!

As our girls are setting their world's on fire for the Lord in their places of work or school, homes, dorms or apartments - all are in places of ministry.
As I think of our girls and you I am listening to Britt Nicole's "Say It" cd.
The song I return to over and over again is "Set The World On Fire". So often I'm certain He is calling me to big and bold things (and sometimes that is the case) yet lately the Lord seems to be bringing me back again and again to do the small and simple where it quietly gets done, and I am content with that when I remember that that is where He has lead me.

from the song -

"I, I am small but
You, You are big enough
I, I am weak but
You, You are strong enough to
take my dreams
come and give them wings
Lord, with You
there's nothing I cannot do."

What's He calling you to today?

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

What A Crisis Reveals

"Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
Matthew 8:26

"When we are in fear we can do nothing less than pray to God, but the Lord has a right to expect that those who come in His Name should have an understanding confidence in Him. God expects His children to be so confident in Him that in any crisis they are the reliable ones. Our trust is in God up to a certain point, then we go back to the elementary panic prayers of those who do not know God. We get to our wits' end, showing that we have not the slightest confidence in Him or His government of the world; He seems to be asleep, and we see nothing but breakers ahead.

"O ye of little faith!" What a pang must have shot through the disciples - "Missed it again!" And what a pang will go through us when we suddenly realize that we would produce downright joy in the heart of Jesus by remaining absolutely confident in Him, no matter what was ahead.

There are stages in life when there is no storm, no crisis, when we do our human best; it is when the crisis arises that we instantly reveal upon whom we rely. If we have been learning to worship God and to trust in Him, the crisis will reveal that we will go to the breaking point and not break in our confidence in Him..."

My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers (August 12 reading)

He is a place of refuge. He can be trusted and relied on. Praying He strengthens you to be the reliable one to your family and friends.
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Friday, August 12, 2011

Parting Song of Hope & Comfort

The Heart & Keeper Group visited Montana and were the guests of the Burnt Fork Ranch two years ago this coming fall. Not far from our bunkhouse was this sign that we followed to a most charming chapel in the woods. A place that would become our favorite as we sought the Lord and spent much quiet time there. It became such a place of refuge and comfort as He always desires to meet with us whenever we seek Him.

I did say charming!

A peaceful place we all eagerly journeyed to,
as we could sit at His feet and drink in His promises.

Above the foyer was a wonderful church bell,
we did not ring it until our last visit to the chapel the day we flew home.

Each one of us pulled on the rope that hung down from the bell tower as we exited,
letting its ring be our parting song.

The Lord had surely filled our cups to overflowing.
Notice the lettering on the bottom of our shoes -
as this trip was affectionately dubbed!

More Beach Days Ahead

Summer Retreat at Newport Beach in 2010
"O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all.
The earth is full of Your possessions-
this great and wide sea,
in which are innumerable teeming things,
living things both small and great."
Psalm 104:24-25

The Heart & Keeper of The Home
"The Silver Suitcase Society"
August 20, 2011
Linda & Kari are hosting down at their place in Newport Beach!
Kari is preparing a Home Interior Presentation!!
More details to come!!!


Keep your swimsuit in shipshape year to year with these simple tips:

1. If you've been in the pool or ocean, soak your swimsuit in cold water for 15 minutes before washing it in the gentle cycle or by hand.
2. Never put your suit in the dryer. Instead, roll it in a towel to soak up the excess water-wringing it out can stretch and pull-then, let air dry in the sun.
3. Before storing away after the summer, throw your suits in the washer one final time to remove any chlorine or salt water that might be lingering.

From author Linda Cobb.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

T-shirt Dress at the Bradley's!

Getting together in July for
The Heart & Keeper of the Home "Silver Suitcase Society"
was a delightful gathering at Lyn and Amber's home!

Sweet and precious Mom's and daughters.

Katy and Kari

Kayla, Amber, Chelsea, and Melony

Linda, Lyn, and T.J. (What's that in Lyn's hand?)

Christy, Teresa, Myself and Chrissy

Chrissy and Ruth

Katy and Amber with my sister Harriet and my twin sister Lorna.
It was a delight to have them join us!

Yummmm. Strawberry Shortcake!

T.J. and Chelsea

Ruth and Katie

Melony, Kari, Amber, Katy, Chelsea, and Katie.
Katy's in her finished dress, more pic's to come of finished dresses!

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