Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gestures of love...

"Grace is God's love touching you..."

Thanks to all of you who brought meals over, they were wonderful! I will be sharing some great recipes with you from those meals, like Linda J.'s Carmel Coffeecake that is a family recipe from her Grandma (Yummmm) and a delicious bbq turkey meatloaf!!!! Also a main dish from Pam that was Chicken n Sausage Spaghetti with vegetables that made us want more!!

I love the plates in the above picture!! Sandi brought her famous brownies and we had to clear them out so you could see the saying on the plate, just trying to help!

God's love has touched our family in so many ways this last month through all of you.
Thank you for your kindnesses, prayers, gestures of love, wonderful meals, flowers and much much more.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort."
II Corinthians 1:3 NIV

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1 comment:

Henry and Lorna said...

God's grace multiplied back to special ones who brought over meals! I partook of many of those as we spent the days before mom's service tending to details. yummy! thank you, dear sisters in Christ, for your gifts to us. they were a comfort to us as well as your presence and condolences were. Blessings and graces back to you! love, Lorna (Linda's sister :) )