Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Man Who Flatters, and A Man Who Compliments

San Luis Obispo Retreat

We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between:
A man who flatters her, and a man who compliments her.
A man who spends money on her, and a man who invests in her.
A man who views her as property, and a man who views her properly.
A man who who lusts after her, and a man who loves her.
A man who believes he is God's gift to a woman,
and a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man.
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"The great tragedy in life is not unanswered prayer
but unoffered prayer."
F.B. Myers
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

With A Heart Full of Welcome

"Dear friends, let us love one another,
for love comes from God."
1 John 4:7

~ You're Invited ~

Starting off the Christmas Season
With a Heart Full of Welcome!

Janie & Linda T.
Request the Pleasure of Your Company to

~ A Christmas Tea ~

Monday, December 19, 2011
at Janie and Bri's Home

Given in Celebration
of Friendships

"Delight thyself also in the Lord."
Psalm 37:4

Wear your cutest Christmas Jammies!

Group question for the girls,
"How have you seen the Lord work in this last year?"
What a joy to see the spiritual maturity in the girls as they shared!

Investing In Relationships

Someone today needs your steady hand,
someone today would be blessed to hear your voice.
Someone today would be encouraged to know that you are praying for them,
will you give that someone a call?
Remind them that they are loved!

"Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one,
for the results can be much better."
Ecc. 3:9

Connecting Ideas:
old fashioned post
small care package in the mail

Tea Towel I got to bring home, but just barely!

Ruth and Katie's Christmas Ornament Gift,

Sandi planned ahead and had an ornament to give to each one of us!
And not just any ornament,
it was titled "Heart & Home" and is two ornaments -
one is a house and the other a heart!

Family of Sisters!

A beautiful gift to me from everyone!

"Every good gift and every perfect gift
is from above."
James 1:17

Merry Christmas!

"For a child is born to us...and He will be called:
Wonderful Counselor
Mighty God
Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

If you look for Me at Christmas

"If you look for me at Christmas, you won't need a special star, I'm no longer in Bethlehem, I'm right there where you are. You may not be aware of Me amid the celebration, you'll have to look beyond the stores and all the decorations. But if you take a moment from your list of things to do, and listen to your heart, you'll find I'm waiting there for you. You're the one I want to be with, you're the reason that I came, and you'll find Me in the stillness as I'm whispering your name." ~Your Savior, Jesus Christ
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(Burnt Fork Ranch Chapel)

Ruth's Surprise Birthday Party!

What fun we had surprising Ruth for her BIRTHDAY!! Katie did a great job sneaking and getting this organized!! We (Lyn, Chrissy, Pam, Bonnie and I) met at the Spaghetti Factory with the ruse that Katie wanted to take her Mom there to see the newly employed Chelsea and Melony! Ruth you are a beautiful woman of God and we are so blessed by YOU and your family!

H & K Banner

Here are the directions for the Heart & Keeper banner I made for the retreat. I made each flag with a piece of our girls quilt material! I am really into repurposing which I sometimes think is harder than going out and buying exactly what I need, but all of us want to be good stewards and this is a better way of using up what we already have.

I cut a stencil for my flag out of cardstock for a guide. With pinking shears I cut my back flag out of cream colored material I had in my "Textile Collection" to my desired size. (above picture) Pinking shears finish off the edges keeping them from raveling so you don't have to turn the edges under, it just cuts out a few steps.

Then I cut the inner flag 1/2" to 1 " smaller than the outer flag out of pieces of our girls quilts!

I pinned the two flags together, right sides facing up, sewing near the edge of the girls quilted material.

Next I opened up a wide blanket binding, placed the flags into the inner side of the binding leaving a 1/2 inch between them, once they were all sewed down I folded the upper edge of the blanket binding down and sewed through all the layers. I put ribbon on the ends to make it easy to tie your banner up and embellished each flag with a cute-as-can- be button!

Personalized Pillows

Some of you requested the directions for the pillows I made for the retreat. I used "Printed Treasures" by Dritz (can be bought at JoAnn's) A package of 5 sheets cost $18.99. You pick a picture you want, put one of the sheets in your printer and print your picture, peel the backing off and sew it onto your pillow. This method you don't use an iron at all.

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"Unwrapping Love..." Fall Retreat 2011

The Heart & Keeper of the Home Fall Retreat - at
Rancho Palmas Country Club
in Rancho Mirage

"Now unto Him who is able..."
Eph 3:20

"Unwrapping Love..."

Focusing on love in the common things,
our emptying nests, and with our husbands.

"It is the beginning of list season. Lists of holiday menus, lists of handmade projects, lists of must-buy gifts. Could I begin another list, a list of thins I love? Across the backside of a scrape of paper I begin. Not of gifts I want but gifts I already have. Sometimes you don't know when you're taking the first step through a door until you're already inside...that is the beginning and I smile. I can't beleive how I smile. I mean, they are just common things and maybe I don't even know they are gifts really until I write them down...Gifts He bestows. This writing it down - it is sort of like...unwrapping love." by Ann Voskamp from her book "One Thousand Gifts"

Workshop with Ruth -
Homemade Raspberry Preserves

With a devotion from Duet. 6:4-9

Bon Appetit!

Janie, always a good student!!
And actually Janie gets an A++

I asked Janie to make a menu and put together breakfast for us and away she went!!! She made the most adorable cookies that looked like acorns, and her dishes had acorns on them and after a close look my invites for the retreat even they had acorns on it! Well from small acorn grows a big oak trees with long solid roots and acorns represent longevity, we decided that described our group perfectly!

Don't leave Lyn alone in the kitchen by herself!

Did I say Lyn, I meant Chrissy!

(She assures me she has not caught anything on fire in the kitchen in a long time!)

T.J. and Ruth working side by side. (they look like they are having fun!!)

Thank you Ruth.

Your Raspberry Preserves are the best!

You made it look very easy!!

An acorn ornament I picked up to represent our weekend together!! Well we officially decided our charm to represent this retreat would be an acorn. I had fruitlessly looked for charms before our weekend together and couldn't come up with anything, and like Lyn said, "Sometimes you just have too discover it together!"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Build Our Youth

"We cannot always build the future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Ahhhh, such WONDERFUL girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Give Thanks!

"It's relatively easy to give thanks after the answer has come. But how much better for your health, your faith, your witness, if you'll take up the tambourine in faith before you see the Red Sea part--and watch the worm of anxiety drown in the waters of praise!" by Jon Courson (per Sharon Schutte)
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Friday, September 23, 2011

"Welcome Home"

-A yellow rose symbolizes friendship, happiness, and warmth-

This week my "Heart & Keeper of the Home" mentor group planted a rose bush in honor of my Mom. We have done this for a couple of years now in our group. After the passing of someone dear to us instead of sending perhaps 12 bouquets of flowers, that would soon be gone, we decided to plant a rose bush from all of us, something that would last. On one such occasion I was searching the rows and rows of rose bushes at my favorite nursery in town, a little overwhelmed with the choices when I came across this beautiful yellow rose named "Welcome Home", I knew I had found just the one for our group gift, as we are comforted knowing our loved ones are welcomed into Heaven, their eternal home - healed, whole, and complete! Now with the passing of my Mom this last June a rose bush was being picked out for me...
I was reading up on this particular rose after my dear friends planted it and read, "it is a rose that radiates warmth like a light in a window." I loved that. It reminded me of each girlfriend surrounding me in the picture, each one of them have brought me warmth from their love and support and have been light in the dark days of my grieving.
I picked this spot in the yard for them to plant the rose bush, because when I sit in the living room to read my bible and do my devotions this is what I look out on. Thank you!

"You are the light of the world.
A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all that are in the house.
Let your light so shine..."
Matthew 5:14-16
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Storm Warning

Never make a permanent decision in a temporary storm.
No matter how the storm may rage today remind
yourself that this too shall pass.

"Be still, and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Watch For His Leading

Waiting is
much more
difficult than walking.
Waiting requires patience,
and patience is a rare virtue...
But God has a purpose in all His "holdups".

Watch for His leading!

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." Psalm 37:23

from Streams in The Desert
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Set The World On Fire

"We have shared together
the blessings of God."
Philippians 1:7

This is one of my favorite pictures of our girls,
taken at Heritage House in Riverside.
What a day it was getting us all together. Some of the aprons we're ones we'd sewn in our group, a few were borrowed or part of our collections, others were treasures passed down from one generation to the next.
All have a story to tell for sure!

As our girls are setting their world's on fire for the Lord in their places of work or school, homes, dorms or apartments - all are in places of ministry.
As I think of our girls and you I am listening to Britt Nicole's "Say It" cd.
The song I return to over and over again is "Set The World On Fire". So often I'm certain He is calling me to big and bold things (and sometimes that is the case) yet lately the Lord seems to be bringing me back again and again to do the small and simple where it quietly gets done, and I am content with that when I remember that that is where He has lead me.

from the song -

"I, I am small but
You, You are big enough
I, I am weak but
You, You are strong enough to
take my dreams
come and give them wings
Lord, with You
there's nothing I cannot do."

What's He calling you to today?

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