Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Whiff of Fall In the Air

After a lengthy hot summer I long for fall and delight at the smallest hint of a changing season, so you can bet I take notice when that first bit of chill lingers in the early morning! Last week we had the biggest Harvest Moon, it hung huge and bright in the dark sky reminding me of a sunflower whose head nods downward with a heavy load of seeds, both beautiful in there fullness.

"He appointed the moon for seasons... O Lord, how manifold are Your works!  In wisdom you have made them all.  The earth is full of Your possessions." Psalm 104:19 and 24

Yesterday my husband and I took a drive through our local mountains and got the most delicious whiff of burning wood from someone's fireplace knowing it would be ushering in falling leaves and sweater weather.   So let's welcome those cozy afternoons and brisk evening, sink into a comfy chair and read a good book, bake something yummy to take to a neighbor or make a pot of coffee and invite a friend over!

Here is one of my favorite fall recipes that my sister Lorna gave me:

Banana Crumb Cake

1 yellow cake mix                          1/3 c. sugar
2-3 ripe bananas                             1/4 c. oil
2 eggs                                              1 c. water

1 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. melted butter

Combine all the cake ingredients; mix for 2 minutes.  Pour into a greased 9 x 13 inch pan.  Blend flour, sugar and butter into a crumbly mixture and top the cake with it.  Bake at 350 for 40 to 45 minutes.  Enjoy!

Lastly... leave a comment and be entered into a drawing
for my favorite "gather" script wall hanging from
 JoAnna Gaines from her Magnolia Farms selection. 
 Perfect for a little fall decorating!
The winner will be announced Sunday October 9th!


Leah said...

Eagerly waiting for Sept. 22nd so I can finally justify decorating for fall!! :)

Unknown said...

The banana crumb cake sounds delicious! I'm working on figuring out how to alter recipes for high altitude. As soon as I do, I'll try this one!

Linda Thomson said...

Oh Leah, that will be nice because I will see your fall decorating when i come up for The Speckled Hen!

Linda Thomson said...

Kari, Do you have a favorite fall recipe?

Unknown said...

Fall here is so different than home, the leaves on the trees are just starting to change and it's beautiful! All of the fall colors make it really feel like fall! :) looking forward to baking all things pumpkin!

Linda Thomson said...

So good to hear from you Chelsea, perhaps you could send a picture or two of what "your " fall looks like and we can compare! Sweet Blessings!

Henry and Lorna said...

oooh, this is one of my favorite recipes! yum! when it cools down in the fall, I think soups! one of my favorites is a White Bean and Ham soup. chock full of northern beans, carrots, potatoes, ham, kielbasa. mmmmmm! one time I added some tapatio for some zing - it worked :) looking forward to cool days and crisp nights :)

Linda Thomson said...

Hi Lorna, ohhhh please send me the recipe for your soup so i can post it on my blog!!! Looking forward to "gathering" at your home soon!!!

flyinjuju said...

I love Fall. We are having cooler mornings, but still in the high 80's low 90's during the day, so crazy! We are looking forward to hitting a local pumpkin patch Oct. 1st. I am with Lorna, I love Fall soups and pot pie. So Yummy. ;)

Unknown said...

Mmmmm, I'll be right over :)

Unknown said...

oh I just LOVE fall!!! so ready for it to be here :) that recipe sounds so yummy!

Kathy Schelling said...

Fall is my favorite time of the year. The change to sweaters, soups and falling leaves is always a welcome!

Unknown said...

I am so loving this cooler weather here in Temecula. I love fall; orange colors, soups, fireplaces,sweaters (well, sometimes sweaters) and the warmth of friends and family. May our hearts be filled with Thanksgiving and our tummies filled with this wonderful recipe, Linda. Thanks for posting the recipe!!

Unknown said...

Just returned from the Georgia Harvest Crusade yesterday and brought back wonderful memories and hope of the cooler weather to come, as some of the leaves were beginning to turn. To everything there is a season with beauty to behold. The cake recipe sounds like a must try! Blessings, sister. Pat

Linda Thomson said...

Hi Pat, Nice to hear from you! Do you have a favorite fall recipe?

Linda Thomson said...

Pam, I agree it's sweater weather! But we'd better put one on early in the morning or late at night! Do you have a favorite fall recipe I can post?

Linda Thomson said...

Hi Katie B., Happy fall!! Do you have a favorite fall bread or cookie I can post?

Unknown said...

Linda, this very old recipe is SO good! Hope someone can try it.

Oatmeal Cake

Pour 1 1/4 c. boiling water over 1 c. quick or old fashion oats and 1/2 c. butter.
Let stand 20 min.
Add 1 c. brown sugar, 1 c. white sugar, 2 eggs, 1 1/2 c. flour, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp cinnamon. Use a mixer.
Pour into greased 13x9" baking dish.
Bake at 350 for 35 min.


6 tbsp soft butter, 1/4 c milk, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1 c. chopped nuts,
1 c. flaked coconut. Use mixer again.
Spread frosting on cake *while warm*, place under broiler for 2 min.
It looks like German Chocolate Cake, but it's Oatmeal! Very moist, very good!

Linda Thomson said...

Oh Pat, Thank you for the recipe, it looks delicious!

Unknown said...

I love fall because we purposefully slow down. People are more aware of traditions, family and friends. Harvest time is a reminder of God's amazing grace and blessings.

Unknown said...

Lynn! So good to hear from you in this blog!
I love fall because as an early riser, I love seeing the sun come up because it happens so much later and thus gives me more quiet time before the world awakes.

Unknown said...

Fall is my favorite season. I love the smells,sights and even the sounds -the crunching of dried leaves, the smell of cinnamon pine cones in the grocery store and bright orange pumpkins on doorsteps

Linda Thomson said...

Dear Lynn, So nice to hear from you, thank you for reminding us to remember God's amazing grace and blessings!!

Linda Thomson said...

Hi Catherine! Thank you for you reminding us to even "Listen" to the sounds of fall! I've often thanked the Lord for His goodness, He didn't have to make the beautiful colors that we enjoy or the amazing smells like that of flowers and forest BUT sounds too! We are going to Ohio soon and as enjoy the fall colors I am going to be very mindful of the "sounds" too!

Unknown said...

Oh have lots if fun in Ohio. Pick some fall leaves 😊