Monday, December 14, 2015

Daily Refreshed In Him

Some Devotional Guidelines

1.   Say thank you and Praise Him upon waking.
2.   Ask, "What do You have for me this morning?"
3.   Open a hymnal and pick a song to have on your heart and mind.
4.   Read a portion of scripture,  praying as you read.
5.   Asking, "What does this mean to me?"
6.   Read a devotional with your highlighter in hand.
7.   Leaving it in God's hand, resting peacefully.
8.   Thank Him for His presence.
9.   Get up and get on with your day.

This is an excerpt from a post by Robert Wogemuth after his wife Bobbi passed away, it was a little slip of paper that fell out of her Bible.  A pattern for us all.  I would add one thing to it and that would be to spend time in prayer, you'll be glad you did!

Drawing*  Leave a comment on any of the December postings and you'll be entered into a drawing for some wonderful devotionals that I'm still putting together, I will post a picture soon of what will be sent to the winner! The drawing will be Monday December 21, 2015!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful discipline!! If our life is too busy to have this daily special time with our Lord, our life is too busy, not what Jesus intended or wants for our lives. Thank You Linda for always being such a godly, encouraging friend. Love You !!!!!