Thursday, December 31, 2015

Clarity For The New Year

Clarity for the New Year
Lose the long list of changes you want to make this year
 and instead pick ONE WORD 
that can give you clarity and focus for the year ahead.  
Take a few days and pray about it,
and let the Lord lead you.
Leave your word in the comments to be entered in
this month's giveaway!


Unknown said...

My word for 2016 is DENY, based off Luke 9:23 Then He said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. I've been fitting him into my life when its convenient...totally need to change this.

Henry and Lorna said...

hi Linda! "abide" from John 15:4 is my word. I was reading in Abiding in Christ by Andrew Murray and DRAWN to that word! First Jesus called us to Himself with "Come to Me..." and then the invitation/(command? :) ) to ABIDE IN HIM. Amplified expands the word to "dwell, live, be vitally united to" wow! the invitation to such intimate fellowship! I want that! of course, since I have been dwelling on that word its been harder to do! ha - The Lord is our Strength isn't He?! Have a blessed day!