Monday, May 18, 2015 filled

 "For I will satisfy the weary soul, 
and every languishing soul I will replenish."  
Jeremiah 31:25

The sweetest and cutest cookies! 
Janie had them made especially for our retreat 
by Brandi O'Conner at the Riverside Cookie Shoppe.
 Enjoying our morning together.
 Las Casuelas
It makes me nervous with those two behind me...
Our new plate to share,
I loved this plate and all the words affirming what H & K is -
Home, Blessings, Family, Fun, Devotion, Celebrate,
Memories ever after, Share & Care, Gather Together.
now we have two plates to pass around...
Who will get this new plate soon??
 We each brought a treasured teacup 
and shared why it was special.
The yellow roses in Lyn's teacup reminds me of our Welcome Home rose bushes!
 Well almost all of us brought a tea cup...
 I am pleased to introduce our first Southern Belle to our group, Dixie 
(er, I mean Janie) 
since Janie was so busy blessing us with a homemade breakfast 
she forgot her teacup,
not to worry - her dixie cup told a story as well!!
I think she's an adorable Southern Belle!!
Reminiscent and memorable...
A  tea cup that holds precious memories for Linda.
Christy shared her mug from Hume Lake, 
a place that holds so many fun times for her family.
 Well, and then their is Pam
who is holding a Starbucks travel mug...
well that counts cuz they sell tea!
This was my "teacup"
that I used for part of my devotion,
" filled."
We often bring a very small part of ourselves to the Lord
 to be filled when He wants to fill us abundantly to overflowing!
"He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him..."
Hebrews 11:6b
We celebrated our Ruthie's retirement from teaching!

Several got sent to the Principal's Office this weekend!!
 We made cute little banners.  
Each year we all pick a "word" 
that helps us stay focused on the Lord. 
 We put them on a banner to hang where we can see them each day.

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