Saturday, October 11, 2014

"..Bits & Pieces of Life."

"Locked inside the stitches of every quilt
are bits and pieces of life."
Nancy Mink

Pumpkin Spice Dip
1 lg pkg Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix
1/2 can of a 12 oz. can of Pumpkin Pie Filling
cinnamon and nutmeg to taste.
Mix all the ingredients together and chill.
Best if made the day before.

Pumpkin with Orange Zest Cookies

1 Spice Cake Mix
1 small can 12 oz. Pumpkin Pie filling
Mix the above 2 ingredients.
Drop in spoonfuls unto a prepared cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes
until they spring back.

Icing: Mix together powdered sugar and milk 
to desired consistency, adding fresh orange zest.
Drizzle onto cookie.

No peeking!

after many friends and family came together
 to sew on Chelsea's quilt
the top is DONE!
Chelsea has her hands over her eyes because 
the  bride and groom are not allowed to see the quilt until it is
presented to them the evening of the
rehearsal dinner,
representing the blending and unity of these two families
as Luke and Chelsea become one.

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