Monday, December 1, 2014

Roomy Nest Retreat

                                                                   Dinner together!

Give thanks to God!

                                                                       Fall banner.

Our new 10 Year Heart & Keeper Calendar!!

A banner made from a quilt TJ gave me, it had been her Mother's.
  It was really threadbare but I salvaged what I could for a few projects.

                                       Beautiful condo in Rancho Palmas on the golf course.

                We also used TJ's Mom's quilt to make these adorable Christmas ornaments!
    Chrissy is holding a section of the quilt she is going to frame, I put mine in an embroidery hoop.

                                                  I have know idea what they were up to!!


Linda J's Devotion was "Roomy Nest", so much more encouraging then empty nest.

She started by sharing some words from Ruth Bell Graham from her book,  It's My Turn.  "I dreaded returning to that now empty house.  But as I entered the front door...suddenly it wasn't empty.  I was greeted by a living Presence, and I realized anew how true His words were: "Lo, I am with you... (Matthew 28:20).  I was surrounded by loved memories and with the comfortableness of knowing I was home.  This was my base of operations.

Now the years ahead stretched vacant.  What did God want me to do?  Travel with Bill?  I tried it for two years...I wound up a home is where I hope to stay for the most part.  I hope to be here when any of the children or grandchildren need me...and I shall be enjoying Life!"

Linda went on to share how she looked up synonyms for the word "roomy".  Here are some of the words: full, spacious, abundant, bountiful, limitless, rich, generous, plentiful,'s so exciting thinking of the things the Lord may have ahead for us!!

If we are in the season of a "roomy nest" then what might we have time for?  Linda presented us with 5 possibilities that start with the letter "R".

Refuge, Relationships, Reaching Out, Rest and Rejoicing!

In my next post I will fill you in on my devotion, "What Have you Packed Away."

Blessings, Linda

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Heart & Keeper Bridal Breakfast for Chelsea

One of my favorite authors is Oswald Chambers,
in his biography he tells of his unique marriage:
"They encouraged each other by walking individually with God
and finding His grace sufficient to meet their needs.
Together, their lives intertwined into a cord of shared ministry
that was stronger than either could have woven alone."

A Marriage Blessing

May the Lord make your union more
than just a marriage of two hearts in love.
May it shine as a lighthouse for spiritual rest...
a loving retreat, and a welcome place for understanding.
May others searching for refuge find its beacon
strong and steady...with golden rays,
like Heaven's arms of comfort and security.
May you always stand committed - two servants
as one after God's own heart.
Rebecca Barlow Jordan

May your marriage be a refuge of love
for each other 
and a light that leads others to Jesus.

"Let your light so shine...
that they may see your good deeds
 and praise your Father in Heaven."  
Matthew 5:16

"Then make My joy complete
 by being like-minded, having the same love, 
being one in spirit and of one mind."
 Philippians 2:2

I thought we would hang our Heart & Keeper banner.  
When we made quilts for each one of the girls for their high school graduation
I saved material from each quilt and made this banner,
it usually hangs in my office and makes me very happy :)

A sweet heirloom pillow
with Luke & Chelsea's wedding date noted.

Sweet Fall Gatherings!

The Father of the Bride blessed us with a wonderful breakfast
and a very special prayer for his daughter!

Below is the recipe for the breakfast casserole, many of you asked for it.

Crockpot (Invite Me Over!) Breakfast Casserole

1 dozen eggs
1 cup milk
1 pkg (32 oz.) frozen hash brown potatoes
1 lb of sausage, browned and drained or 1 lb of bacon, 
cooked and crumbled (or use both)
2 cups cheddar cheese - shredded
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup green onions - diced (optional)
1 green pepper - diced (optional)

1.  Spray your crockpot with no stick cooking spray or use a slow cooker liner and spray it.
2.  Layer frozen potatoes, sausage or bacon, onions (if using), green pepper (if using)
     and 1 cup shredded cheese in the crockpot in two or three layers.
3.  Sprinkle the remaining 1 cup shredded cheese over the top evenly.
4.  Beat the eggs, milk, dry mustard, salt and pepper together.
5.  Pour the egg mixture over the cheese evenly in the crockpot.
6.  Cook on low for 7 to 8 hours or until eggs are set and throughly cooked, start this at midnight and      wake up to a delicious breakfast! Just in time for the holidays!
7.  Serve and enjoy!!
I used a crockpot liner with non-stick cooking spray for easy clean-up.  
The casserole may burn along the edges a little bit so watch the time the last hour.

Presenting our "12 Dates"

A special cuddly Longaberger blanket and a "Giving Thanks" journal.

Our lovely girls!

"...Cling to that which is good.  
Be devoted to one another in love.
Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor,
serving the Lord.  Be joyful, patient in afflictions, faithful in prayer."
Romans 12:9-12

"..Bits & Pieces of Life."

"Locked inside the stitches of every quilt
are bits and pieces of life."
Nancy Mink

Pumpkin Spice Dip
1 lg pkg Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix
1/2 can of a 12 oz. can of Pumpkin Pie Filling
cinnamon and nutmeg to taste.
Mix all the ingredients together and chill.
Best if made the day before.

Pumpkin with Orange Zest Cookies

1 Spice Cake Mix
1 small can 12 oz. Pumpkin Pie filling
Mix the above 2 ingredients.
Drop in spoonfuls unto a prepared cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes
until they spring back.

Icing: Mix together powdered sugar and milk 
to desired consistency, adding fresh orange zest.
Drizzle onto cookie.

No peeking!

after many friends and family came together
 to sew on Chelsea's quilt
the top is DONE!
Chelsea has her hands over her eyes because 
the  bride and groom are not allowed to see the quilt until it is
presented to them the evening of the
rehearsal dinner,
representing the blending and unity of these two families
as Luke and Chelsea become one.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


"Prayer must not be our random work but our daily business." CH Spurgeon

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Beautiful Bridal Shower Tea

 "I'm my beloved and he is mine..."
Song of Solomon 6:3

to a
 Bridal Shower Tea

In honor of Chelsea.

It's Tea Time!

TJ's vintage apron collection.
"Apron's don't hold us back,
they take us back."

Place your cards in the vintage pink Barbie suitcase
that was TJ's when she was growing up and then Chelsea's,
and your recipes in the basket.

Seabert Family

The Heart & Keeper of the Home

TJ, Chrissy & Janie hosted this beautiful tea.

Kari shared a beautiful quote from Elisabeth Elliot
"To me, a lady is not a frilly, flouncy, frivolous  and fluff-brained,
but she is gentle, she is gracious, she is godly and she is giving.
You and I have the gift of femininity...the more womanly we are,
the more manly men will be and the more God is glorified.
Be women, be only women, be real women in obedience to God."

Luke's mom - Patty,  and Chelsea's Grandma - Carol.

Our beautiful Bride and her Family!