Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bridal Breakfast

 Our first

Heart & Keeper of the Home

Bridal Breakfast!

In honor of Jessica, our first H & K Bride
And in honor of Pam, our first H & K Mother of the Bride.

As we go into our 10th year together 
we have taught and learned so much together
 sharing the many seasons of Motherhood. 
 Let's continue to teach, share, and pray,
as we celebrate these new seasons together.

We gathered at
Chrissy & Melony's home
Saturday, June 8

Jessica and I

To my first Heart & Keeper Bride

 It was an honor
to present Jessica with a Bible
 monogrammed with
 Mr. & Mrs. Wright.

We also made our first H & K Wedding Quilt!! 

Here is Pam, Alex, Jessica and I at Stars & Scrapes
picking out material.

The quilt was a new design for us.  The pattern I picked was

 "Sister's Choice."

A perfect selection for our group
who have become like sister's sharing and fellowshipping 
as we have had the privilege of sewing so many quilts together
for our girls and the special occasions in our lives!!!

To Alex & Jessica:
The Wedding Quilt
by Mrs. Thomson

Your life is like a quilt and God is the Divine Quilter.
Stitching your lives together with His Word.
Hemming you in with His Holy Spirit.
 Reinforcing where needed with discernment and wisdom.
Blending the two of you together
just as this material has been brought together.
The Lord will lovingly gather up the pieces of your new lives,
your experiences, ministries, abundance and leanness in a similar way.
With His skillful hand of grace He will stitch it all together
to make a wonderful whole where there once were only pieces,
 like your Wedding Quilt.
Nothing will go wasted in the Quilter's Hand.
All those times of stretching and testing,
laughter and plenty
are part of His patchwork planned specifically
for the two of you as Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wright!

"You hem me in - behind and before;
You have laid Your hand upon me."
Psalm 139:15


The quilt turned out lovely.

It will be presented to the Bride and Groom 
the evening of the Rehearsal Dinner,
signifying the unity of these two precious families as
Jessica and Alex become one this weekend.

I can't show you the quilt yet but....
 below is the label Pam had put on it,
I love the floral framing and the color choice.

Ok, one picture of the quilt when it wasn't finished yet, but that's it!

Linda, Christy, Anthony, Tara, Kayla, Pam and Me

We also presented Jessica with her wedding gift that we all created together,
it was a wonderful gift of 
 "12 Dates" 
We put together 12 manilla envelopes (8"x10") each labeled with a different month, 
decorating the envelope we put a "date" inside
  with the description of the date and additional items like tickets or a gift card, etc.
We set a $15. limit, which meant we had to be very creative, and creative we were!

Would you like to know what we came up with?  
I thought so.  

Here they are - 

Map for Riverside Downtown City Walk and a gift card to Casey's Bakery.
 Downtown Disney information and a gift card to La Brea Bakery, 
 (free parking, free admission, and free entertainment.)
Movie gift card for a romantic night out at the theater.
Schedule of summer performances at the Redlands Bowl (free admission) and a gift card at Corner Bakery with directions to bring their lawn chairs for an evening out at the Bowl. 
Bike rental gift card for a leisurely ride at the beach.
Starbucks gift card and a gas card for a nice long drive together.
Paddle Board Game and gas card for the beach, did not fit in the envelope :)
Info for the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena and gas gift card.
Directions to the The Flower Fields in Carlsbad and a gas gift card.
Gift card to Ruby's down at the beach and 2 pairs of sunglasses!

Everyone came up with such great ideas!

Chrissy shared the devotion - 

"Mark the Moment"

(Many of you requested a copy of her notes so I have included them here.)

To the Moms and Daughters:

"The Lord put this on my heart several months ago. 
The desire to get together and "Mark the Moment" as a group of Sisters and Daughters –Women. A desire to take the time to be together as a group and acknowledge this special event: 

To celebrate with Jessica, our first Heart and Keeper daughter to get married. 
Our first H & K Bride! 
To celebrate with Pam, our first Heart & Keeper Mother of the Bride. 
To give God praise for the things He has done in Jessica's life. 
To give you girls a chance to celebrate this moment together as well. 

This is what this group has been all about-preparing you girls for the day that you would be the Heart and Keeper of your own homes. This is a graduation of sorts for Jessica! Congratulations to you both-Jessica and Pam! And to the rest of you girls, whatever your future holds-married or single, remember it is the Lord who holds it. We are thankful that our God is so personal. He has created us all so differently, and He has a perfect, yet different plan for each of us. He does however, promise to each of us the same: He will give us the desires of our hearts when we Trust Him, and Seek Him, in everything that we do. He will direct our steps to that perfect plan He has for us. Give Him the power to do this in your life. Whatever His plan is for you-it is HIS PLAN FOR YOU. And for everything there is a season. This is the season to celebrate with Jessica and Pam. We love you both!"

And for the Moms:

"I want to thank you Pam for being a Godly example in my life as a Mom and Wife. I am so thankful to have you as a friend and sister in the Lord. Congratulations and we will be praying for you this week. I want to have a time of prayer for Jessica, Pam and Tim and the Wright famiy, and also for the other seasons we as a group and individually are in, with illnesses, tragedies, loneliness, unemployment, and struggles." 

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" Phil 4:6-8"

Melony shared a devotion with the girls!

As a group we committed to supporting and praying for Jessica and Alex,
now and throughout their marriage.

The Mother of the Bride - Pam


our hosts Bob & Chrissy

who made an amazing Breakfast Buffet!!

Yummmm,  I wonder if we show up next Saturday if they will feed us :)

Beautiful tables were set

And sweet fellowship it was.

"Once you say I DO
there is a lot more TO DO."
by Pastor Greg

Lastly I want to share a quote about 
One of my favorite authors who is Oswald Chambers. 
 In his biography it tells of his unique marriage: 
 "They encouraged each other by walking individually with God
 and finding His grace sufficient to meet their needs.  
Together, their lives intertwined into a cord of shared ministry
 that was stronger than either could have woven alone."  

We are praying that for Alex and Jessica.

 there is one more thing.
I thought I'd include some pictures of the lovely Bridal Shower
 Linda and Kari hosted and the bridesmaids put together
in April.

our Bride

Pam and Jessica with Alex's Mom

Janie, T.J., Ruth and Christy

Kayla, Tara, Bethany

Katy and me

Linda and Sandi

Back Row:
Linda J., Pam, Teresa, Chrissy, Me
Front row:
Janie, T.J., Ruth, Jessica, Christy

Katy, Jessica, Kayla, Kari, Sarah

Bethany, Linda, Kari


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