Saturday, February 4, 2012

It Is Well With My Soul

I love the old timeless hymns with their biblical foundations don't you?
They remind me of God's faithfulness and always bring comfort.

If you'd like to hear
"It Is Well With My Soul"
while you are reading this
Push and hold down the Control button
on your computer key pad(Ctrl) and Click here at the same time.
I hope you like this version of this hymn.

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well with my soul."

Praying this leads you past what difficulty may be in front of you,
that you may feel the touch of your Master's hand,
hear the song of your Creator's call,
and give Him praise.


Nancy said...
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Nancy said...

Beautiful Linda! I had just been looking thru a scripture journal that I began in 1986. The very first entry is a scripture you had given me. You said that it was one of your favorites. Acts 17:28
"For in Him we live and move and have our being".
You have always been such a blessing to me...and continue to be so!
Thank you for this song and prayer.
I do feel His touch and I do hear His call.
Blessings to you beautiful Linda.
love, nancy xo

Nancy said...

Well, If you remember... I'm pretty ditzy! I couldn't remember my log in, got thrown out a few times, think I wrote this...oh maybe 3-4 I deleted the first one.
If more show will know why!! :)

John and Janelle said...

Love this hymn! And might I say, how very high-tech of you to include the link with your post like that! I don't even now how to do that! :)