Sunday, February 19, 2012

Holiday Cottages

Isn't this a perfect place for a quiet time?
So make yourself a cup of tea find a comfy place
and join me for this devotion
Meeting God in Quiet Places:

Holiday Cottages

"The Sabbath was made for men,
not man for the Sabbath."
Mark 2:27

"Being in Buckland must be heavenly for people from the larger cities
of Birmingham, Blackpool, and Bath.
Step out of the polluting buses, traffic jams, and inner-city noise
into a quaint village consisting of only 23 cottages, and life becomes fresh and new.

In addition to the Buckland Manor,
with its mainly upscale guests,
we also have a number of what the British refer to as
self-catering holiday cottages in the village.
They are nestled together in a picturesque group of structures
(reminiscent of a little hamlet),
all of which are converted farm buildings-grain stores, stables, wagon sheds.

"Even the dairy, where once farmhouse butter and cheese were made,
has now been charmingly refurbished as a Round House,
with honeymoons and romantic breaks in mind."
says the brochure.

Self-catering is a way of life in rural England.
You get your own cottage for a week-complete with linens, dishes,
games for the kids and a variety of holiday extras.
Cook for yourself, or dine out. Slow down. Take it easy.
The Cotswolds are ideal for an English holiday.
And the proper word is holiday.

For all its modern equivalent to America's vacation,
I prefer the British use of "holiday."
Trace the word to it's origins and you'll discover that it has something to do with
holy days-like Jewish Passover, Jubilees, and Sabbaths.
It was God who first came up with the idea of taking a "holiday."

But God's day of rest was not simply "a day off."
God specially consecrated that day as being a "holy" day.
In Deuteronomy are these powerful words:

"Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy...remember
that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God
brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day."

Resting would be sufficient justification for "a day off,"
but remembering was what made the day holy.
Remembering what God has done!
Historically, holidays were times not only for rest
but rememberance...they were times for regaining one's perspective,
for reprioritizing, for having a sense of spiritual renewal.

Today's nonstop recreational vacations miss the point.
Fast-paced as they are...most people are so exhausted after vacation
that they need a vacation just to rest up from all the activity!

That's why vacations ought to be holidays-"holy" days, as it were.
Times of quiet relaxation and reflection. For those who walk hand in hand with Jesus,
every day is a holiday-a holy day before God.

If we don't take time to remember, we're in danger of forgetting His blessings...
In whatever way best seems to help you remember, give yourself a treat,
and book a holiday with God.
Your life will be so much richer if you do!"

"Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
Mark 6:31

And now to announce the winner of the devotion book:
Meeting God in Quiet Places

Thanks to all of you who left a comment.

The winner is-

!!! Kathy Schelling !!!


Henry and Lorna said...
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Henry and Lorna said...

thank you, Linda, for sharing this devotion. it was soo good. I'm taking a holiday today :)
(Yay Kathy! be refreshed in your quiet times!)
God bless you with His Presence today!

Lore said...

Linda, thanks for sharing this devotion and insight. It came at a perfect time! Blessings!