Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

"For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love,
my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you."
Philemon 1:7

If you'd like to hear "When We're Together " while you are reading this push and hold down the control button (Ctrl) on your computer key pad and click here at the same time.
Then let up on both.

Who can you surprise this week with an act of the Lord's unconditional love,
A love that brings peace, healing, joy, and comfort?
Please pray first, you might be surprised by who the Lord leads you to reach out to!

Devotion Give Away!!

Leave me a comment by this Saturday.
(At the bottom of this posting you will find the word "comment"
follow it's directions.)
and your name will be in the drawing for
this devotion:

book title front

Meeting God in Quiet Places

F. LaGard Smith & Glenda Rae

In these inspiring parables drawn from his daily walks through the magnificent Cotswolds of England, bestselling author LaGard Smith shares life and faith-renewing insights. Presenting a devotional journey to encourage readers to:

  • make room for solitude and reflection in their lives
  • feed their soul by spending time in nature and appreciating creation
  • discover the riches of a daily walk with God

These personal meditations refresh the soul, bringing renewed perspective to the values, priorities, and qualities of life people cherish, including faith, family, prayer, gratitude, generosity, humility, and joy.

I will announce the winner on Monday, February 20, 2012


BonnieL said...

Dearest Linda,

Happy Valentines Day! Your sweet, loving friendship has been one of my greatest joys for decades. Our precious Lord uses YOU to refresh others and for that I am eternally grateful.

Love you, Bonnie

Harriet said...

Happy Day to my Special Sister!! You are such an encourager to me. God has richly blessed us with a wonderful family.

Love you, Harriet

jmiller said...

I just wanted to say how thankful I am that the Heart and Keep group was started those many years ago. And I am so grateful that you are still pursing us even in our busy schedules. It truly is a blessing :) Love you!
-Jessica <3

Sharon Schutte said...

Thank you for the Valentine note and for your inspirational blog! Blessings, Sharon

Sharon Schutte said...

Thank you for your sweet Valentine's Day note and your inspirational blog. Blessings! Sharon

Urban Allure said...

Thanks for your love Mom :) :) I'm not entering the drawing because I'm your daughter and all, but I just had to comment and tell you how YOU are loved. <3

Henry and Lorna said...

appreciate how you share your heart on your blog <3 thanks so much for your prayers for Tues Am Bible Study - God is so faithful in His answers! wow! hope you had a blessed Valentines' day and week! love being sent to you!!
Mark 6:31 Jesus says " Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." why are there so many distractions in life that interfere with this?! talk to you soon-love, lorna :)

Kathy Schelling said...

Hi Linda,
I left a message yesterday but do not see it. Of course I could have done something wrong:)! Oh well, it was scripture Deuteronomy 7:9
Hugs, Kathy