Saturday, July 9, 2011

Post Card Pillow

Soothing, calm, lavender

Post Card Pillows

This little treasure caught my eye at Patina's here in Riverside.

If you look closely you'll see it has been stamped to look like a postcard, adorable!

I thought you'd like to make one...

"For we are to God the fragrance of Christ..." II Corinthians 2:15

You can make this for any season or occasion by changing the fabric and filling,
for Christmas pick holiday material and fill with cinnamon and cloves.

Instead of stamping perhaps you'd like to personalize one by
hand writing a thank you or sentiment to a friend,
even better a handwritten bible verse!

Perhaps you college girls would like to make one for the girls
you are going to share a
dorm room or apartment with!

For a bridal shower you could write out the wedding date
and the bride and groom's new married name.

For a baby shower you could write the birth date
and the meaning of the new arrivals name.

You can fill your pillow with bath salts and scented oils

or lavender.

Pick out your favorite stamps

Tie it all up and your done!

Now for the step-by-step:

First I must explain this sweet group of friends who are a part of my demo. Once a month for the last several years I have gone to quilt night at the home of our friends Gary & Lynn. What's nice is our husbands come along they love to play board games and catch up in the other room (but not too far from the kitchen where all the handmade and baked goodies are.) Well we may live in a big city and go to a big church but this group is like a small church where everyone knows your name and everyone cares about you and we pray for each other and share our hearts around the table as we work on first one project and then another. Tonight we made the Post Card Pillow.

The first step is cutting a piece of material 7" for the width and 8" for the height.
(Tip: Keep in mind if the print of the material is too busy
you won't be able to see the stamping as well.)
Stamp the bottom 4" of the material.

Turn your material right sides together and sew a 1/4" seam.
Turn right side out then machine stitch or hand stitch one end of your pillow.

Fill your pillow up 3/4 full, (you can fold a piece of paper into a cone to help get the lavender or bath salts into you pillow, if you like.) Stitch up your last open side.

Kathy (l) & Sue (r) decided to hand stitch their pillows.
All these ladies are dear friends but Kathy especially
as her wonderful daughter is married to our son, Andy!

Judy used a decorative stitch on her machine to sew her pillow up,
a zig-zag stitch looks great also.
(Tip: where any sewing has been done you can use a glue gun if you prefer.)
Lastly tie it up with a pretty ribbon in the center,
and a suggestion Lynn made, you can even tie or pin a charm or button in the center
of the ribbon, how cute that would be!

A finished project!

front row: Sue, Emma, Sami Back row: Me, Shirley, Judy, Kathy, Lynn, and Renee
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Judy said...

Linda thanks so much for sharing this project with us. I enjoyed it so much and chatting/laughing with everyone as we made it. I always leave for home friend full-filled. We have such an amazing support group. I love you all dearly. Next time we'll have to post the guys too!

Love and Prayers Always,

jerseyflygirl said...

This is so pretty?!! Love it!! And I love all of your "girl time" too!! Only wish I lived closer so I could join in the fun!!

Urban Allure said...

The step by step pictures are perfect. Easy and beautiful to look at. :)