Thursday, July 7, 2011

Girl Talk

You're Invited to Girl Talk tonight at Harvest!!
Meeting each Thursday night for the month of July ONLY!
7pm to 9:30pm

I attended yesterday at Harvest's Orange County Campus and was so blessed and encouraged by the morning event I wanted to make sure you knew about it. The first half an hour was such fun with home and party examples, patio chandelier and ceiling draping for a festive summer (or any season) look. Coffee filter and burlap flowers, a personalized burlap banner, chalkboard food markers and much much more! That was rounded out with book reviews and book give aways! Then we settled in to the meat of the morning, the guest speaker was (and is tonight) Catherine Martin whose teaching and sharing brought me such a picture of where I want my heart to be this summer and it begins with my QUIET TIME! That is what Catherine shared on, I think you will be blessed and encouraged, hope you can make it!

From Catherine:

The P.R.A.Y.E.R. Quiet Time Plan

Prepare Your Heart
Read and Study God's Word
Adore God in Prayer
Yield Yourself to God
Enjoy His Presence
Rest in His Love

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

P.S. The picture above, I had to post. It is a happy and festive plate that Pam brought over some goodies on and I love it! Well you know OUR group and their history with plates, I might have to keep this one for awhile! The plate reads:

Creating harmony through common bonds
Connecting with small acts of kindness
Laughing together
Text Color

P.S.S. There was an actual plate sighting (Yes, OUR plate) this weekend at Janie's!! Wayne is on high alert for not disposing of the you-know-what in the you-know-where. In Wayne's defense at least this plate is bigger and heavier, and glass! It certainly couldn't be mistaken for a mere toss out!! (I hope!)

Align Left Align Center Align Right

1 comment:

Urban Allure said...

I LOVE this project! And the pictures are so great!