Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Fourth, Flags and Floats!

Picture:Home Bunch

"May we think of freedom, 
not as the right to do as we please, 
but as the opportunity to do what is right.'
 --Peter Marshall


The best, easiest and most delicious party dessert!! 

Root Beer Floats


2 large scoops vanilla ice cream
1 bottle very cold root beer


Run a glass mug under cold water and immediately chill in the freezer until it forms a frost.

Scoop 2 scoops of ice cream into the chilled mug. Top with cold root beer. Put a straw and a spoon in the mug and serve immediately.  Enjoy!

Picture: Better Homes and Gardens


 Coming next:   
 Sensational Road Trip Ideas

Picture: travelsense.org

Summer Reads
Picture: Oregonian Live

and a 

Sneak Peek 

to My 


"The Heart & Keeper of The Home
Inspired Living 
Bits of Bliss"

Join me for my Launch Countdown!!!!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Celebrating Those You Love

I hope you can pour a cup of ice tea 
and join me for a stroll through this lovely garden,
it's filled with picnics, lattes, thoughts and reflections
written to encourage YOU!

"For they refreshed my spirit and yours also..."
I Corinthians 16:18 NIV

Photo Credit: fishtailcottage.blogspot.com
              M - Meaningful, Memorable
 A - Appreciate, Affirm
 Y - Yearn, Yes, YOU! 

I thought we would take ALL of May to celebrate women
  •  who have been a great influence or encourager in our lives, 
  • those who have offered a word of hope when we've needed it 
  • and walked with us in difficult times.
  • Can you think of a mentor, teacher, friend, pastor's wife, sister,
  •  neighbor, a worship leader, caregiver...  
  • that you can acknowledge in some way this month?

How about these cute bouquets that are easy 
to make and easy to hang on a door or a co-workers chair:

Picture credit: umla.tumbler.com

Photo credit: theprincessandthefrog.blogspot.com

As a Mother my two favorite expressions of love 
from my grown kids and their spouses 
are a visit or to skype 
but sometimes that's not possible.
I wanted to share an idea
 that won't be new to you it's from DaySpring, 
(a Christian card company.) 
 "Sending a card is a simple, inexpensive, 
and very meaningful way to love like Jesus.  
While there are no rules to being kind, 
here are a few things 
(commandments, if you will) 
to keep in mind about the value and purpose
 for looking up a street address and licking that stamp."

Picture credit: Pinterest

1.  Encourage one another.  
It doesn't take long to find someone 
going through a difficult challenge these days.     
Be extravagant with your words. 
 "Therefore comfort each other and edify one another..."  
I Thessalonians 5:11
2. Don't underestimate the power of thanking someone.
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."
Proverbs 16:24
3.  Honor one another.  Honor is to see the value in a person.
"Honor Christ and put others first." Ephesians 5:21
4.  There's a time to cry and a time for celebration.  
Sometimes a note says, 
"I know I can't fix this-but I'm with you.  You're not alone."
"Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."
Romans 12:15 
5.  Build one another up.  
Words can heal, strengthen, grow, encourage and help.
"But you, dear friends, must build each other up..." Jude 1:20-21
6.  Pray for one another.
When I send a note to someone, I pray for them as I drop it in the mailbox.
"If two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, 
it will be done for you by My Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:19

Hoping these tips will encourage you 
to get in touch with someone soon.

Photo by: Pinterest

There are many ways to acknowledge someone special in your life.  In a December posting I listed some great and personal ways to bless others, gifts that take little to no money just  love and lots of hugs!  They can be hand written and put in an envelope with a little direction.  They were as follows: 
The Gift of Time, 
The Gift of Prayer, 
The Gift of Encouragement, 
The Gift of Care, 
A Secret Gift, 
A Gift of Teaching.  

photo by: galmeetsglam.com

I will touch on the last one and give you some examples
 of teaching classes or workshops for learning a new skill as a gift:

quilting, sewing, crafting
singing lesson
new computer technology
cycling class
horseback riding

It would even be best if you could join the class as well then go for a picnic!

Photo by: ameblo.jp

Need a last minute gift
or a surprise for someone?
Maybe for a housewarming, graduation, 
end-of-year teacher gift, retirement,
birthday, shower, wedding?
(Remember we have all of MAY to do it)



I thought I'd recommend places to get gift cards
 that can be emailed (day of!) automatically, 
easy peasy!!


you will find thoughtful gifts galore.  

We went a year ago last March and had a great time!

Enjoyed some of the food trucks.

And coffee!

My husband loved it too!  

How about a gift card for a subscription
 to Joanna's 


It " contains inspiration for life and home. 
Useful as a resource and a guide to living well."

Grab some girlfriends and start making PLANS, 
a trip to TEXAS would be a GREAT girlfriends trip!!!


Susan Branch

"... the self-taught artist and author.  
From her studio overlooking her picket-fence garden 
in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, 
Susan writes and paints about the "home arts" of cooking, 
gardening, sewing, family, best friends, 
entertaining and the little things that make life sweet. "  
Her website is a place to be inspired and where teas, mugs, books, 
jewelry, artwork and stationary can be found! 

Susan and I at her book signing last year at Vromen's Bookstore in Pasadena!

Great GIFT cards from Susan's online store!




You will love their products!  Bath and body gift sets, candles and gifts for the home.  One of my favorite buys is their Sample Beauty Bag.  It contains samples of their collections' most popular items: body lotions.  Samples come in a cute, reusable cosmetic bag!

If you purchase a gift card an elegant e-gift message will be emailed to your happy recipient.  You can add a personal note to the E-mail, so your friends and family know how much you care.



Ree Drummond - The Pioneer Woman

Y'all don't want to miss this!
The Pioneer Woman has lassoed our attention as usual! 
Her Mercantile has opened and by getting a Merc gift card
that is delivered by email you will avoid any kind of stampede!

Lastly no conniption necessary since you heard it here first. 
 Ree is coming out with her own magazine!
The first issue is due to come out very soon in early June available at Walmart!  

P.S.  Who's up for a road trip, or by train???


Linda's Mixing Bowl

Instead of a recipe from my kitchen
 this time I am borrowing one from Joanna Gaines,


"I love dessert and that’s no secret. But even more than I love eating it, I love having something sweet ready for after dinner. It’s a little extra work on the front end, but it’s worth it to see how excited Chip and the kids get when they smell cookies baking or see me whipping up a fresh homemade pie.
I’m a chocolate lover, so nothing is “too rich” or “too chocolatey” for me, and nothing makes me happier than a fresh chocolate cupcake. But every now and then I get in the mood for something a little lighter and a little more tart. That’s where this lemon pie comes in.
This pie is as tasty as it is simple. I love the happy color and how pretty it looks in a classic white pie dish. It’s one of those desserts that only takes a few minutes to put together so it’s a quick after dinner treat."

                                                                                                                         by Joanna Gaines

Pie Filling Ingredients: 3 cups Eagle Brand “sweetened condensed” Milk, 3 egg yolks, ⅔ cup lemon juice, 1 dash salt
Crust Ingredients: 1 ½ cups crushed graham crackers, 6 tbs butter, ⅓ cup sugar
Whipped Cream Ingredients:1 small carton of heavy whipping cream, 2 tbsp sugar,
1 tsp vanilla extract
For Crust:
  1. Combine crushed graham cracker, softened butter, and sugar. Mix well and press into greased (I use Baker’s Joy non-stick spray) pie dish. Bake for 8 minutes at 350.
For Pie Filling:
  1. Mix Eagle Brand Milk, egg yolks, lemon juice and salt in a mixer. Mix well- I typically beat with my mixer for 4-5 minutes on medium speed. Pour into pie crust and bake for 10 minutes at 350.
  2. Place pie in the refrigerator for at least an hour so it will set.
For Whipped Cream:
  1. Mix whipped cream, sugar, and vanilla. Whip until fluffy, and add to cooled lemon pie.


When Mother's Day Isn't Easy

Sometimes a celebration like Mother's Day can trigger discouragement and despair
 for some women due to many things: a death, divorce, infertility, singleness, 
illness, a wayward child, or - being a stepmom.
Here is a list of suggestions on how to lift the spirits of a hurting woman 
on the day we celebrate mothers.
1.  Pray for God to reveal a woman in need of encouragement. 
2.  Pray for that woman.
3. Send a card.
4.  If you wish to do more I suggest a call, meal, a flower, 
anything that says, "I see your pain today." 
5.  Make time for hurting women.

For entire article by Laura Petherbridge go to Barbara Rainey's:

"Have you not known?  Have you not heard?  The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary.  His understanding is unsearchable.  He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might He increases strength."
Isaiah 40:28-29

Photo by: indulgy.com

  And a little something for those of you with children:

poem by: happyhomefairy.com

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

After Friday Comes Sunday!

Anne Graham Lotz
He is indestructible. He is indescribable. He is incomprehensible. He is inescapable. He is invincible. He is irresistible. He is irrefutable.
The Pharisees couldn't stand Him but found they couldn't stop Him.
Satan tried to tempt Him but found he couldn't trip Him.
Pilate examined Him on trial but found he couldn't fault Him.
The Romans crucified Him but found they couldn't take His life.
Death couldn't handle Him, and the grave couldn't hold Him.
Just give me Jesus!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Consider Thoughtfully...

"And let us consider thoughtfully
 how we can encourage one another."
Hebrews 10:24

Monday, January 2, 2017


"We've learned to rush but not to wait." 
(from The Paradox of Time)

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."  Psalm 37:7

Photo: via IG:jasoncharleshill