Saturday, January 30, 2016

I finally picked my Word!

I have tried a couple of words on for size this month, picking a few that weren't quite right and finally selecting "intentional".  Like you I want to be intentional in my Bible reading, prayer time, relationships, my time and daily schedule and much more.  In Ephesians 5:15-16amp Paul writes: "Look carefully then how you walk!  Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as wise - sensible, intelligent people; Making the very most of the time-buying up every opportunity-because the days are evil."  Of this Wiersbe states: "Only a fool drifts with the wind and the tide.  A wise man marks out his course, sets his sails, and guides the rudder until he reaches his destination.  Someone said, "When a pilot does not know what port he is heading for, no wind is the right wind."

So I encourage you to pick a Word that will guide your course and anchor you in the year ahead!

Well now lets get to our drawing! 
Our book give away is
 Glory Days.
In it Max Lucado encourages us to not be
 "Wilderness Wanderers but Promise Land People!"  
I love that, what hope for the New Year!

From his book:

"The wilderness. Maybe you know it well.The Israelites sure did. After all, they spent forty years wandering the desert. Victories were scarce. Progress was slow. They were free from Pharaoh but not free from fear...

We all face them. Strongholds with a strong hold on our lives. Roadblocks to our joy. Obstacles in our marriages. Fortresses of fear blocking us from peace. How can we bring down these walls that keep us from the future God promises? Remember the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho? Those were some formidable foes and big barriers.

Max Lucado says the book of Joshua is in the Bible to remind us of one thing: God Fights For Us! We can overcome, because He has already overcome."

And our drawing winner
 this month is Lorna S. 