Monday, December 1, 2014

Roomy Nest Retreat

                                                                   Dinner together!

Give thanks to God!

                                                                       Fall banner.

Our new 10 Year Heart & Keeper Calendar!!

A banner made from a quilt TJ gave me, it had been her Mother's.
  It was really threadbare but I salvaged what I could for a few projects.

                                       Beautiful condo in Rancho Palmas on the golf course.

                We also used TJ's Mom's quilt to make these adorable Christmas ornaments!
    Chrissy is holding a section of the quilt she is going to frame, I put mine in an embroidery hoop.

                                                  I have know idea what they were up to!!


Linda J's Devotion was "Roomy Nest", so much more encouraging then empty nest.

She started by sharing some words from Ruth Bell Graham from her book,  It's My Turn.  "I dreaded returning to that now empty house.  But as I entered the front door...suddenly it wasn't empty.  I was greeted by a living Presence, and I realized anew how true His words were: "Lo, I am with you... (Matthew 28:20).  I was surrounded by loved memories and with the comfortableness of knowing I was home.  This was my base of operations.

Now the years ahead stretched vacant.  What did God want me to do?  Travel with Bill?  I tried it for two years...I wound up a home is where I hope to stay for the most part.  I hope to be here when any of the children or grandchildren need me...and I shall be enjoying Life!"

Linda went on to share how she looked up synonyms for the word "roomy".  Here are some of the words: full, spacious, abundant, bountiful, limitless, rich, generous, plentiful,'s so exciting thinking of the things the Lord may have ahead for us!!

If we are in the season of a "roomy nest" then what might we have time for?  Linda presented us with 5 possibilities that start with the letter "R".

Refuge, Relationships, Reaching Out, Rest and Rejoicing!

In my next post I will fill you in on my devotion, "What Have you Packed Away."

Blessings, Linda