Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Evening Picnic

What a special evening of encouragement we had!  
Each of us sharing a sentence or two from a favorite devotion or book.
We then exchanged great Christian books for some fun summer reading!

I shared from George Matheson -
 "My heart needs Thee, O Lord, my heart needs Thee!
  No part of my being needs Thee like my heart.
This world has not provided for my heart.
It has provided for my touch,
It has provided for my sense of beauty,
but it has not provided for my heart."

 T.J. drew from Streams in the Desert's August 10th reading - 
"Who can estimate how much we owe to suffering and pain?"

Janie shared how much the Lord is opening up doors at work to share with people.

Kayla shared how she has been touched to see God's hand
 in opening the LAST door for her to go to college in Hawaii!  
It reminds me of a saying, "It is much easier to walk then wait!"
Kayla has done much waiting and the Lord has shown His perfect will for her!

Christy shared from Jesus Calling about holding God's hand and trusting Him.

Chrissy also shared from August 10th, Streams in The Desert!
"Divine love could alone hold back the impetuosity
 of the Savior's tender-heartedness 
until the angel of pain had done her work."

Linda J. shared - 
"No man sinks under the burdens of the day.  
It is only when yesterday's guilt is added
to tomorrow's anxiety that our legs buckle
and our backs break. 
 It is delightfully easy to live one day at a time!"
by Corrie ten Boom

Kari read to us a snippet from Elisabeth Elliot, very refreshing!
"To me, a lady is not a frilly, flouncy, frivolous  and fluff-brained, but she is gentle, she is gracious, she is godly and she is giving.  You and I have the gift of femininity...the more womanly we are, the more manly men will be and the more God is glorified.  Be women, be only women, be real women in obedience to God."