Saturday, May 17, 2014

Longaberger Spring Home Tour

"Each of you should use whatever gift
you have received to serve others, as faithful
stewards of God's grace in its
various forms."
I Peter 4:10

These ladies homes were such an expression of this verse!

We began our Home Tour at the
 "Cottage Garden Home"
 of Lisa Vander Zon.
(love this hymn board & letters.)

Tucked at the foot of one of her beds
 I found this little stash of cherished quilts.  
I was drawn right away to the second one down which is a Signature Quilt.

During the mid-nineteenth century
 thousands of settlers headed west eager to homestead.
 This pioneer era was important in the history of American quilting 
as many quilts were needed for the westward journey for both warmth and comfort.
Two of the most common items a young girl would bring with her was dolls and diaries.  
The women brought quilts, many with signatures of friends and family 
whose paths would never cross again.

We loved this old church pew placed right by the front door.
I invited my girlfriend Judy to join me for her birthday!

Is there a better home for an adorable teddy bear then here?
I don't think so!

The ladders adorning Lisa's living room walls to display some of her antique quilt collection
 were lovingly built by her husband from salvaged walnut he found on a job site. 

And if that wasn't enough 
Lisa had an inviting garden waiting for us in her backyard!

What's the first thing you see?
 My eye was drawn to the old window on her back fence.

One of her baskets turned upside down 
was the perfect riser in the center of this festive tablescape set to
celebrate our country. 

As we said goodbye to Lisa and headed to our next destination
 we took one last look at this warm setting that beckoned us to stay longer!

Our second stop on the Home Tour was at
"Collecting Over The Years"
the home of Karen Rogers and her family.

Look who we caught up with there, Janie!!
We both wanted to take this little cathedral shaped window home with us.

We were ready to sit right down to this kitchen table set with
 Longaberger pottery and baskets!

Everything was so nicely arranged, 
we got many new ideas to add welcoming touches to our own homes,
especially ways to display your love for the Lord, 
but more on that in pictures to come...

One of Karen's treasure quilts.
"I made quilts as fast as I could to keep
my family warm, and as pretty as I 
could to keep my heart from breaking."
from a pioneer woman's diary

I thought the pictures of Karen and her husband 
when they were children were endearing.
 They create a beautiful balance as they hang 
on each side of the bed in their master bedroom.

Are you all thinking, 
"do I have pictures I can do this with?"  
I hope you do! 

Time for a picnic or tea with a girlfriend?

I especially loved how Karen displayed this old hymnal 
opened up to a timeless favorite,
"Trust & Obey"

Myself, Karen Rogers and Janie.

Our last stop on the Home Tour
was at Debbie Linamen's home
"Building Family Traditions"
 One look around and you would see Debbie's traditions 
included having the Lord at the heart of her family and home!

 I thought the collection of the 
two oval pictures paired with the three squared pictures 
and the two initials was stunning!

We liked the suitcases. Thank you Vanna, I mean Janie!

 "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, 
but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 
Matthew 4:4

Great workstation. 
These baskets are labeled 
"Good Will", "Take Downstairs" and "Pick Up Basket" 

So welcoming!

Here Debbie has used a basket riser under 
the basket instead of inside the basket, 
such a great idea to add height
 and nice way to display some treasures!

We loved this open cabinet. 

Baskets, pottery and quilts, oh my!

This simple 9 patch pattern turned on point is an adorable quilt
especially  framed like this.

The 9 patch is a popular pattern that was used by pioneer women.
The earliest homesteaders had neither time or
fabric to spare and it was a good way to
 use up every scrape of fabric available.
 Most of the quilts they made were utility quilts,
 quickly sewn together for warmth.

Who wants to host and we can all make one???

This was in Debbie's Americana guest room.  
I wish I'd taken more pictures!
She had her son's uniform beautifully framed and on display,
he is a veteran from the US Marine Corps.
She also had a framed photograph of a Civil War Union Soldier
 named Washington Brown, Debbie's great-great grandfather.
This family shares love of the Lord and family 
as well as duty to their country and to their community!

Loved the scripture in Debbie's master bedroom.

The pictures above and below were lovely,
the message once again telling of Debbie's commitment to the Lord.
They have broken pieces of pottery 
and fragments of things that were once whole.
Written on it was precious promises from scripture!

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay
 to show that this all-surpassing power
is from God and not from us.  
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; 
perplexed, but not in despair;
 persecuted, but not abandoned; 
struck down, but not destroyed.  
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus,
so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
For we who are alive are always being given over to
death for Jesus' sake, 
so that His life may also be revealed
in our mortal body."
II Corinthians 4:7-11

Janie, TJ and I.

Debbie's lovely and peaceful backyard.

A wonderful end to a birthday day out with Judy!

Sending each guest home with
this sweet token of Longaberger pottery
 is a reminder of this time spent in these lovely ladies homes!

Janie, TJ, Debbie and I

"A friend knows
the song in your heart
and sings it back to you."
author unknown

"Let us be silent that we
may hear the whisper of God."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
 I couldn't have said it better!