Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Set your hearts on things above..."

In honor of
Ruth's parents:
Zola & Ramona DuBois
Zola (2003)  & Ramona (2006)  DuBois

I was so glad to get over to Ruth's this week and deliver her
 "Welcome Home" rosebush
 from her Heart & Keeper sisters!
 Her Dad - Zola passed away in 2003 and her Mom - Ramona passed away in 2006.
Ruth (and Katie) had just joined Heart and Keeper when her Mom passed away. 
We had the privilege of helping serve at the reception that followed Ramona's Memorial.

Ruth said she had just the spot in mind to plant her rosebush,
once planted she will take a picture for us.

 "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, 
set your hearts on things above,
 where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 
 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."  
Col. 3:1

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Rosebush for Pam

In memory of Pam's Mom and Dad - 
Ed & Elaine Rodgers.

It was long overdue but I delivered to Pam her
 "Welcome Home" rosebush.
Pam wants to have us all over to help
plant her it soon!

"There are many rooms in My Father's home, 
and I am going to prepare a place for you...
so that you will aways be with Me where I am."
John 14:2

It was so nice to get together tonight!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Monthly 10"

We continue to celebrate our 10th year together 
by highlighting someone in our group on the10th of every month!
 This month we are highlighting
 our Christy who has....... 


I talked her into meeting me for coffee at the Lift.

I asked her to give me a sentence summarizing her years of raising her
beautiful and godly daughters, I couldn't agree more with her answer:

"As a Mom, I am blessed to see what amazing woman
of God my girls have become."

Here's what she shared about her retirement -
"I am excited to see what doors God will open for me
to serve Him in this new season in my life." 
So are we Christy!

I have a new feature to this "Monthly 10"
segment of my blog,
it is titled:

"10 Minutes That Changed My Life"

Here's what Christy shared:
"A conversation I had with Linda in Target years ago when 
she invited Kayla and I to join the Heart & Keeper family. 
It truly changed my life!"

Christy, we just weren't complete until you and Kayla joined us
and the Lord knew that!

In Galatians 5:22-23 we read-
"But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience,
 kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
 gentleness, self control..."
 that came to my mind when I was thinking about
 the kind of wife, mother and friend you are.
Thank you for displaying that fruit in your life
and for being an example of a woman surrendered to the Lord.
Thank you for investing in your personal walk,
your marriage and family, it is evident!

A Look Back:

Here's a picture of our Christy and Kayla about the time I think we'd just met.
 We were all at a Mexican Restaurant on La Sierra.
(L to R: Kathy, Christy, Kayla, Me, Janie, Brittney and LeAnn.)

Do you ever make lists?
Well I asked Christy to and here it is!

"10 Things/People I Can't Live Without"
1. Jesus
2. Bible
3. Mel
4. Tara/Anthony/Kayla
5. My Kitty
6. Iced Tea
7. Bible studies
8. My H & K Sisters :)
9. Hawaii
10. Hume Lake

How grateful we are that the Lord brought you and Kayla to H & K!
You have brought so much to our group.
Your whole family has.

Lastly a verse Christy wanted to share with us:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6