Monday, December 30, 2013


                                                        Chelsea and Luke are Engaged!


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Heart & Keeper Christmas Breakfast at Ruth and Katie's

Everything was all decorated and ready for us!

The Merry Christmas blocks on top of the mirror
 were something Ruth made with her Dad when she young!

We had a drawing for a beautiful Christmas lantern and it went to PAM!

His birth - the JOY for the season! 

The table was set,

The centerpiece beautifully placed.

There were gifts to be given!!

So nice to be together!!

And just in time to make for your Christmas morning breakfast.
Here's the recipe you were all asking for:

Hash Brown Quiche
ingredients - 
3 C. loose - pack frozen hash browns, thawed
1/3 C. butter melted
6-8 oz. diced, cooked ham
8 oz. mild cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 C. milk or Half n Half
3 eggs
1/4 tsp. seasoned salt
optional - 1/4 c. chopped tomato,
1/4 c. sliced green onions
Directions - 
Press hash browns between paper towels to remove moisture.  
Press in a 9" pie plate to form a crust.
Drizzle melted butter over crust and bake at 425 degrees for 20 min. 
Remove from oven and reduce the temperature to 350 degrees.
In a bowl mix the remaining ingredients together.
Pour mixture into pie plate over crust.
Bake uncovered in 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes.
Let stand 10 minutes before serving.  
You can substitute any meat and veggies for this recipe.

Originally from TJ

A last minute VERY EASY wrapping idea straight from Apple Farm:

You'll need a brown bag, tissue and twine.

Take your gift and put it in your tissue, nestle it into your bag.

Tie with twine, you could easily attach an ornament or pine boughs too.
Simple and quick!

How about a cute little place to tuck a small gift?

Take a empty plastic pill bottle
and embellish with scrap paper, rhinestones, charms etc. 
Just adhere with use glue gun, glue stick or decoupage.
If you want to hang on the tree just glue ribbon to the lid.


I was showing everyone something I've added to my journaling this year -
pictures, text from facebook and some email snippets!
It makes it all much more personal and refreshes my mind
to all the Lord's done and is doing.

Thanking the Lord for all of YOU!
M E R R Y    C H R I S T M A S!

"And you will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at His birth."
Luke 1:14

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Open House this Saturday

"And you will have joy and gladness, 
and many will rejoice at His birth." 
Luke 1:14

I thought I'd get you up to date a little,
 although I don't have wedding pictures yet.
  I will post them and pictures from our 
Heart & Keeper Bridal Breakfast soon. 

Kim and I just got home from New York 
where we visited my girlfriend Jackie, 
we have been friends since the 4th grade,
 we both made a commitment to the Lord when we went to church camp 
together in middle school and have stayed connected all these years.

We are at Madison Square Gardens where we enjoyed 
"A Night of Celebration" 
with Pastor David Jeremiah
He has a new study Bible out that I highly recommend
called The Jeremiah Study Bible.

The tree was up in Rockefeller Center.
It was cold, very cold and it made us look forward to getting home
 and decorating our own tree for this Saturdays Christmas Open House!  

But before we headed home we visited Princeton, 
when we go there we always have breakfast at PJ's.

We headed out of town just before a snow storm hit!
And good thing cuz I have some decorating to do before our Open House.

I decided to decorate the garland around our fireplace with
Heart & Keeper treasures sooooooo
  Today I gathered up some of my favorite H & K pictures from our 10 years together, 
you will find ones of all three of our trips to Montana, 
our retreats with our girls, 
and yes the PLATE!!! Who has the plate??
Even Wedding pictures!
 I put them on these light brown tags 
I purchased at Michael's,  
I collected all the ornaments we've exchanged over the years 
and hope you will enjoy looking at them on Saturday!

Here's a Montana postcard and a picture from last years trip with our husbands,
 the picture is all of us in front of the Chapel at Burnt Fork Ranch.

 A heart from Lyn 

 Ice skates from Linda J.

Ruth's handmade ornaments.

Some of Chrissy and Melony's handmade ornaments. 
The ball has a colorful peacock feather in it
and the birds have glittered tails with old hymn pages for background.

WEDDING pictures!
 I used them for last years retreat to Montana, 
 these are all hanging on my garland ready to greet you!
(Left to Right - Bobby & Chrissy, Paul & Lyn, T.J. & Dave, Ruth & Lou)

Last picture.  Can anyone tell me what this paper chain of girls is from?
It is when I first met Joni and Laura.  They were down for a visit and we invited them
to join us for one of our H & K gatherings at T.J. and Chelsea.
Joni jumped in with a wonderful devotion and this paper chain was a part of what she shared,
I cherish it!

Before I go how about an easy recipe
 just perfect for a Christmas party
 directly from Shelley a delightful hostess
 I met at Apple Farm recently?

8-8-6 Pie

8 oz. jam or spread (not jelly)
8 oz. softened cream cheese
6 oz. Cool whip

Blend together and put into a prepared
graham cracker crust.
Top with a couple dollops of jam.

Refrigerate for 30 minutes then serve.


Leave a comment and your name will be entered
in a drawing for this Christmas lantern!
Drawing will be this Friday.
Well I have more new things to share and some surprises too
 but they will have to wait for now.

See you Saturday!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bridal Shower for Katy
October 5, 2013 
Lemonia Grove

We gathered  at Lemonia Grove, 
one of the earliest and most unique citrus ranches
 ever established in Corona 
with it's 1893 Victorian carriage house to
 it's 1920 home with it's wrap around porch and rose gardens.

Our engaged couple!

"...and I will cause showers to come down in their season;
there shall be showers of blessings."
Ezekiel 34:26

Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilts and baskets 
to make this picnic special!

The quilt closest is one TJ Seabert gave to her foreign exchange student
 who lived with them for a year.  When she returned to Belize she left the quilt behind 
knowing the temperatures at home were far to warm for it. Today we got to enjoy it.
  The basket in the center of it was my Grandfather's, 
if you look real close you can see his initials on top. 
"P.K.T." which stood for Pleasant King Thomas.
His name fit him perfectly a he was the kindest Grandpa ever. 
It usually resides at my sister Harriet's house, 
she took a big chance bringing it near me!

I especially loved the stories behind each quilt and basket.
The quilt above is one my Grandmother made. 
I remember the day my Mom gave it to me,
she ran her fingers over it telling me the dresses they represented.
Each little square telling a story of it's own. 

Wonderful friends and family!

Katy and I with Alex's Mom - Margarita

Church friends, Katy's 3rd & 6th grade teacher, her childhood friend Melanie,
family, and Heart & Keeper families too!

Margarita with Carol
(who is engaged to Alex's brother.)

 Brianna, Bonnie and Patti

 My cousin's wife JoAnn and my sister-in-law Robin.

 My sister-in-law Alice with her granddaughter Gabriella on the left 
and her daughter Sarah on the right.

Sara and Robin, Christy, Jessica and Pam
and Harriet.

Janie, Brittney, Helen and Chrissy.

Linda, T.J., Lyn (in back) Pam, Teresa and Ruth.

                                                     Katy and I with Margarita and Carol.

Katy with her maid-of-honor, Kari.

Katy and our daughter-in-law Leah who took all these lovely pictures,
thank you!!


Here I am with my twin sister Lorna, 
she opened our celebration up with prayer 
and shared this beautiful marriage blessing:

A Marriage Blessing

May the Lord make your union more
than just a marriage of two hearts in love.
May it shine as a lighthouse for spiritual rest...
a loving retreat, and a welcome place for understanding.
May others searching for refuge find its beacon
strong and steady...with golden rays,
like Heaven's arms of comfort and security.
May you always stand committed - two servants
as one after God's own heart.
-Rebecca Barlow Jordan_

May your marriage be a
refuge of love for each other
and a light that leads
others to Jesus.

"Let your light so shine...that they may see your 
good deeds and and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

Thank you, Lorna!

Lemon Bars!!

 My niece Janelle had this at her wedding
 and I've always remembered how special it was,
 it was perfect for today as well!  
Thank you Aunt Harriet and Aunt Lorna for making them!

Lemon Bars Deluxe

2 c. flour
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1 c. butter
Sift flour and sugar. Cut butter in, as if making a pie crust.
Press into ungreased 9x13 inch pan. 
Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Let cool.

4 eggs, beaten
2 c. sugar
1/2 c. fresh lemon juice
1/4 c. flour
1/3 tsp. baking powder
Mix all ingredients together. Pour over crust. 
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

2 tsp. powdered sugar
Sift powdered sugar on top.

Cora and Shellie

Me, Cora, Shellie and Lorna.

Picnic lunch

Potato Salad in small mason jars made them easy to carry.

Sandwiches individually wrapped in wax paper and secured with a cute sticker.


My sister Harriet, always the helpful one!!


from Margarita, Mother-in-Law :)

Heirloom pillow - 
Mr. & Mrs. Segura
est. 11-9-13
made by... me.

The Beautiful Bride-To-Be!

With love
 from your family and friends.

"Come, behold the works of the Lord."
Psalm 47:8